Rainy days

WHEW. I’ve finally, FINALLY found time to sit down and write. I’m so sorry it took ages!

So where were we?

OK, my Bullet Journal journey is seemingly bad as it has no washi tape or any of those fancy drawings. I’ve kept it to a minimum, seeing as the whole point of it is to record what is important to you, and not to show off what layout you did handmade for 6 hours. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, and if that helps motivate people then YAY them. But for me, I see that the minimalist thing is working better and I get to open it up every day, along with my appointment planner and basically get to see where I am in my life, figuratively and literally. It’s nice to check in daily and see where I’m going, and it makes my dreams more of a reality when I see it on paper. Thus far it is helping.

Though I really should get on with the planks and walking every day.

Nonetheless, it is raining again in my part of the world, and it is coming down in BUCKETS. Ok no, barrels more like.  A perfect Saturday for me 🙂

Now, when I left this blog (again, I know I know I’m so sorry) in the beginning of June, I said I’d make an update on the food situation. I have the pictures but I will wait to post another time as I didn’t get it together or have been able to look through them.  I succeeded in making a few dishes. Out of the 5 dishes I listed I made 2 and an added four more. They are the following:

  • roast chicken
  • vegetable soup (need to perfect this yet; not too happy about the turn out)
  • carbonara
  • pork adobo
  • lasagna
  • chili

Must say that the one I was deathly afraid of was the chili. I was really hoping everything would taste good especially because I kept out the beans. It actually came out ok! So now, these are the 5 Go-Tos for this house, and I will be making stocks and stocks of it. This coming week, I’m going to grocery shop for two weeks again. Will do some more of the roast chicken, make it even TWO and perfect that damn vegetable soup. There’s a taste I feel like I’m missing out on… anyway. I also need to figure out measurements. *groan* I do everything by look and feel and taste (Taurus much?) so it may be hard to do so, but, let’s see.

Maybe I can turn all these things into a cook book of some sort? Each dish will be accompanied by a playlist whilst cooking? There’s an idea. Hmmm….

Anyway, little reminders for me now that the new month is starting!

  2. Get the house in order (I finally found a neighborhood all around handyman!)
  3. Try to have rice only in the mornings
  4. Eat more vegetables (obviously)
  5. Spend more time with my son
  6. Do something with my savings
  7. Perfect the recipes I’ve listed down and add 3-4 more

I think that will do for now.  Because the weather seems to be calling for it, here’s my favorite classical dude, Ludwig. All 6 hours of him. Hahaha! Funnily enough, this is a great soundtrack for me in the office, when I need to zone out and just get to working. I should play it more often actually.

Enjoy your weekend!

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