Thundering on

It is the beginning of my day, and with (very VERY strong) coffee in proverbial hand, I am facing the fronts and looking forward to the day!

Because my son dig them both I’ve been looking up some recipes for zucchini and eggplants and came across this.ย  Have you guys tried anything like it? What are your tips and recommendations?ย 

And a friend posted this up on her FB wall, because well, BACON.

Can’t you feel your arteries clog up?

There’s always been that rumbling argument between PRINT and DIGITAL. I love my books: I love their smell, the sound of pages turning, I dig all that. But my reality resides in the digital world, I mean hey. Where am I right now? So the discussion goes on, be it magazines or newspapers, the end of this debate is still not seen.ย  This is an interesting read if you’re interested in the debate.

Medieval underwear: not as chain maily as I thought it would be.

MY NEW MISSION: to use every bit and piece of a whole chicken that can last me weeks.

Leaving you guys with something mellow, something good, something funky, some music food ๐Ÿ˜‰ Have a good day!

Wednesday Wishes

So ok, I’ve just ended my week long sabbatical.ย  I’ve resigned from my job last week, and my last day was exactly one week ago.ย  It has been both a relief and frightening, but mostly it’s been exciting. The possibilities seem endless and I cannot wait til I maximise the potentials that are and have been thrown my way ๐Ÿ™‚

Before I get into all that though, there has been a major breakthrough ๐Ÿ™‚ WE FOUND OUR NEW HOME! ๐Ÿ™‚ It fits all the little bullet points on our list, is quiet, and is in a little village right here in the neighborhood so it’s such a plus that it is so near!

*doing the happy dance*

So now comes the arduous task of packing.ย  Of course first thing I did was check the internet! ๐Ÿ™‚

So there’s this, cute little infographic and this.ย  The keeping clothes on hangers is new to me but makes absolute sense.

Then, because I need to have the perfect bed and we cannot take the bed frame with us, I’m thinking of doing one of my own (I will post about it of course!) using wooden pallet boards. With anything that is being recycled or upcycled or just been used for many a different things, it is always good to err on the side of caution.ย  So read this first.ย  There’s a whole bunch of other pointers in that article to tell which ones are good, which ones have been used for what, which wood has been treated with chemicals, etc. Really interesting reading. This article too.

After which check all these ideas out!ย  And these ones too! ๐Ÿ™‚

Some recipes I thought I’d try. I love peanuts and I’ve been dying to try to make my own recipe of peanuts for picking. These sounds FAB.ย  And because I LOVE CHEESE, I really do want to try this out as well.

Getting me excited to move ๐Ÿ™‚ If you guys have any other tips, do let me know! Be back again soon. Take it easy and HAPPY HUMP DAY! ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Here’s your earworm for today ๐Ÿ˜‰


Today I am writing from home, where I’ve been for most of the day.ย  I started out though on a mission to see new places today with J. We saw a total of two, both of which didn’t win us over. Nonetheless, we are not deterred, we know our new home is waiting for us, we will find one perfect for our little tribe.

The rest of the day I spent with my little punk, and researching online, trying to get everything together and in line for when I formally leave my job on Wednesday next week.ย  It’s exciting this new path I’m on.ย  I love my company, my job, my team and even clients, but it is time to shift. And boy, this shift I’ve taken on is going to be a DOOZY. Well, it’s the ballsiest move I’ve ever done professionally, and I’m scared… but I’m equally, if not more, excited for the prospect of what lies ahead. ๐Ÿ™‚

To continue, let me give everyone who reads this, some new music:

I love these guys! I get to see them play in one more production / gig I’m putting on. YAY! Check them out on Facebook:ย  They are a bunch of sweethearts too ๐Ÿ™‚

If you, like me, have problems with your gut (I believe it is due to my love for spicy chilies), join me in trying out these three recipes I found.ย  I don’t know what else I can use in place of coriander and fennel seeds as we don’t have those here in Manila, or they are very hard to find. Any advice on this would be welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

And because I love mashed potatoes and recently found the glorious joy of eating sweet potatoes, please fellow potato lover, join me in reading through this post and salivating profusely and with abandon.

Because I’m a bit of an Anglophile, and I love the Brits and their gloomy weather and rich history, I saw THIS, the worst years in their history.ย  And here I thought I was having a bad year!!! Jeebus.

Another little link to history: these woman are pretty badass. Yeah Joan of Arc is there, but there are a couple ofย onna-bugeisha, or Samurai women, that are listed down too. WICKED.

This is just fun. Walt Disney characters using Instagram. I had quite the chuckle, especially with the hashtags.

J and I love orange juice, and the fresh kind of course, but sometimes it is tedious to just keep squeezing oranges. So you tend to reach for the easiest thing which is frozen or boxed juice.ย  I won’t anymore after reading this.

Why you should turn off or at least put your mobile on AIRPLANE mode whilst traveling. It’s just RUDE.

As I mentioned, I’m about to do the single most ballsy thing I’ve ever professionally done.ย  This article I stumbled on has been bookmarked and sent to my email inbox just to have as a constant reminder of the next steps, or foreseeing the inevitable stumbles I will have to go through.ย  Maybe those who are on the same path as I can find some comfort in this reading too. There is this article as well, to help remember the practicality of my dreams ๐Ÿ™‚

I don’t know if you will ever venture coming to our beautiful islands, but if you do, there is a growing neighborhood that has little pockets of great food popping up.ย  It’s called Kapitolyo, it is my hood, and I love it.ย  Here are the 8 essential places you should go eat.

I love the Godfather I and II but never liked III.ย  In the place of Godfather III, I always watched Goodfellas, because, “You know, we always called each other good fellas. Like you said to, uh, somebody, ‘You’re gonna like this guy. He’s all right. He’s a good fella. He’s one of us.’ You understand? We were good fellas. Wiseguys.” And the car scene with the ending piano track of “Layla”. C’MON MAN.ย  Awesomeness.ย  I saw this from Ray Liotta the dude who played Henry Hill in Good Fellas.ย  Fun little trivia ๐Ÿ™‚

Lastly, to those who suffer from wanderlust as I do, here are some links to useful little sites and apps to take with you.

Hope you enjoyed some new music and the stuff I stumble upon. I’ll be putting up some DIY things on the net that I’ve tried out in my own home soon. I’m just trying to get the pictures together. Cheers and have a great weekend ๐Ÿ˜‰


Today I’m just going to post this fantastic internet short with Jerry Seinfeld.ย  It’s called Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. I haven’t stopped watching. The one with Ricky Gervais, Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks, and Larry David are personal faves.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

You won’t regret it ๐Ÿ™‚
Have a good one ๐Ÿ™‚



Sickly Sunday

I haven’t been able to upload anything new this last week because we have been busy with hardships in terms of house help.ย  It has been a week of awesome time with the baby, but at the same time, no sleep.ย  Yesterday and today has just been the kicker: we all have coughs and colds, and the poor baby has a little bit of a fever. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

We’re still trying to keep him comfy, and I’m just trying to keep away from him a little bit so we don’t make each other worse. I just feel bad every time I hear him cry out for me so I tend to pick him up.ย  Sigh.

Anyway, this week, I found out that Brian Wilson covered George Harrison, and did so awesomely.

NOT FOR THE YOUNG ‘UNS, but this was an interesting post. What humans look like having intimate relations as seen through an MRI machine and giving birth. It’s pretty amazing actually.

Being a big fan of Weezer, I did NOT know River Cuomo wrote all these songs.

I personally don’t think I will get married for various reasons, but there are a lot of people around me that have gotten married or are about to get married.ย  I have nothing against it, I just don’t believe it is for me.ย  For those who are planning to though, there is this good read. Makes sense really, and even to those thinking of moving in. No need to get married for these to apply.

It’s been recently in my head, to change direction in my career, or at the very least find a way I can call more control over my time.ย  Don’t we ALL want to do this? ๐Ÿ™‚ย  But since I’ve tried working from home before, this time around, I want to be sure about my plan and at least have more knowledge about what sort of back up plan I have to ensure I can keep an even keel even in those “lean months”.ย  I’ve been reading a lot of these articles, and so far it has made me feel like this decision of mine has been the right one.ย  Especially these ones, about free lancing. Exciting times, and times that makes me a little frustrated that we’re all sick in the house ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

They say that learning new languages will help with mental illnesses and help improve memory.ย  If this is so, and it’s your ambition, like to learn yet another language, check this out.

Now if you find yourself home without stuff to do, this link has stuff to do using your ice trays

Hope you’re Sunday is turning out a bit better than mine. *sniffle sniffle* And if you guys have any advice about helping a baby get over this cold so he can sleep properly, I AM ALL EARS.

Thanks everyone for reading! ๐Ÿ™‚